Here you find links to external sources that you can use for your work.
King James Bible online
Facsimile of the original King James Authorized Version of 1611:
Here you find a KJV-facsimile from 1611 with an extensive introduction of A. W. Pollard from 1911:
King James Bible Online is mostly our base of the facsimile screenshots and transcribed texts. The texts are the best you’ll find online. Still with minor errors, that we correct before taking the transcribed text into the project:
And of course the Blue Letter Bible, giving us the Hebrew and Greek and all Strong’s info along and inline to the KJV text. So important and helpful: German New Testament
German Tepl Bible from 1350/1400 A.D.
German Tepl Bible from 1350/1400
The favorite dictionary for this project until now:
A Table Alphabeticall (1617, 3rd edition) (scanned book)
It's the first English dictionary (120 pages, 3 000 words)Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum or a General English Dictionary, by John Kersey (1708)
An Universal Etymological English Dictionary by Nathan Bailey (1726) & 1737 edition (with many additions)
and the 1775 edition (plus Google version)Dictionary of the English language by Samuel Johnson & John Walker (1828 edition)
→ Preface of the first edition (1755)Johnson's Dictionary: myths and realities, by David Crystal (2018)
Early Modern English language
The comparison of adjectives in English (15th-18th century) by Louise Pound (1901)
John Hart's pronunciation of English (1569-1570) by Otto Jespersen (1907)
The life of Samuel Johnson by James Boswell (1791) & introduction by Austin Dobson (1901): I & II
Texts & Literature
→ Bible in English: King James (1611)
→ Old English - Anglo-Norman - Middle English - Late Modern English
→ United Kingdom - England: maps & documents