Here you find links to external sources that you can use for your work.
Facsimile of the original King James Authorized Version of 1611:
Here you find a KJV-facsimile from 1611 with an extensive introduction of A. W. Pollard from 1911:
The favorite dictionary for this project until now:
A Table Alphabeticall (1617, 3rd edition) (scanned book)
It's the first English dictionary (120 pages, 3 000 words)Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum or a General English Dictionary, by John Kersey (1708)
An Universal Etymological English Dictionary by Nathan Bailey (1726) & 1737 edition (with many additions)
and the 1775 edition (plus Google version)Dictionary of the English language by Samuel Johnson & John Walker (1828 edition)
→ Preface of the first edition (1755)Johnson's Dictionary: myths and realities, by David Crystal (2018)
Early Modern English language
The comparison of adjectives in English (15th-18th century) by Louise Pound (1901)
John Hart's pronunciation of English (1569-1570) by Otto Jespersen (1907)
The life of Samuel Johnson by James Boswell (1791) & introduction by Austin Dobson (1901): I & II
Texts & Literature
→ Bible in English: King James (1611)
→ Old English - Anglo-Norman - Middle English - Late Modern English
→ United Kingdom - England: maps & documents