This project follows some fundamental principles. All participants and especially the organisation that hosts this project are fully committed to these principles.
company that drives it, King James Version International gGmbH, are dedicated and legally bound to the following principles:
The first and highest principle of this project is to enable worldwide free access to the Word of God in the form it was preserved in the King James Version of 1611 translated by this project has to be free of charge everywhere in the world. Whoever the Holy Bible from 1611 in as many languages as possible.
Free access means, that everybody, that wants to read any KJV translations translation produced in this project, can do so without paying anything to this project, the company that drives it or any member or participant of this project.Anybody that wants to publish the translation results of the KJV texts, issued by this project, is free to do that without any charge of fee. The only condition is, that the publisher of these translated KJV texts needs to mention this project “The Word of God - King James Version International” as the source, together with at least one working URL of the project’s homepagesbeing charged in any way. Therefore we will offer every resulting translation online for free. But in addition to that King James Version International gGmbH will use all of its resources to spread all the translations to everybody in the world, be it in printed form or any media applicable.
The works of this project are published under the following Creative Commons license:
Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY This license requires that reusers give credit to the creator. It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes.
Why did we choose this license?
Simply because we don’t intend to make money out of the Word of God. People may use our works to write their own books or articles. Even our charitable non-profit company can issue products or services to finance its work. But by no means we will earn money out of the Word of God itself or its translations.Every action the project or the company take has to support the main goal, mentioned in Principle No. 1. This may also include indirect support, such as education, research and promotion to spread the project itself and, of course, its results worldwide.
If financially achievable and applicable to support Principle No. 1 subsidiaries of the company may be founded worldwide. This can e.g. give international contributors more opportunities to tax-deduct donations or to donate work directly and also to further spread education and promotion. All subsidiaries have to comply to the goals and legal restrictions of and to be 100 percent owned by the King James Version International gGmbH in Germany.